Elemental Spells & Information
Earth Element
Prosperity & Abundance, Tangible Items, Home, Family, Stability, Decision Making, Grounding, Physical Healing, Animals, Employment and Protection.
Air Element
Communication, Mental Healing, Astral Workings, Inspiration, Psychic Work, Imagination, Focus, Intellect, Memory, Clarity, and Expression.
Fire Element
Motivation, Spiritual Healing, Creativity, Transformation, Energy, Creation, Destruction, Force, Momentum, Passion, Courage, Lust, Action, Desire, Enthusiasm.
Water Element
Love, Empathy, Emotional Healing, Dream Work, Magick, Physical Fertility, Beauty, Divination, Cleansing, Sleep, Compassion, Grace and Friendship.
Elemental Spells:
Earth Element Spell
Supplies Needed:
Green Candle
Candle holder
Incense & burner
Earth Element Oil
Small piece of parchment paper
Agate Crystal
Best times and direction to perform Earth Magick: Near Midnight in the North when possible.
Write your intention on the parchment paper and place wherever you will be doing the spell. Next, place glass candle holder on top of the parchment. With the candle in hand, close your eyes and visualize your desired outcome. When ready, rub Earth Element Oil on the candle (just a small amount) from the top to the bottom and put it in the glass candle holder. Light your candle and then light an incense cone with candle flame. Wait a few seconds and blow out the incense cone and place it on the glass incense burner. Carry the Agate crystal in your pocket for the next 3 days or more. If you need to leave, snuff the candle out (don't blow it out) and light again when you return, with another incense cone if you wish. Don't leave a candle burning unattended and keep away from children and pets.
Air Element Spell
Supplies Needed:
Yellow Candle
Candle holder
Incense & burner
Air Element Oil
Small piece of parchment paper
Kyanite Crystal
Best times and direction to perform Air Magick: Sunrise, in the East when possible.
Write your intention on the parchment paper and place wherever you will be doing the spell. Next, place glass candle holder on top of the parchment. With the candle in hand, close your eyes and visualize your desired outcome. When ready, rub Air Element Oil on the candle (just a small amount) from the top to the bottom and put it in the glass candle holder. Light your candle and then light an incense cone with candle flame. Wait a few seconds and blow out the incense cone and place it on the glass incense burner. Carry the Kyanite crystal in your pocket for the next three days or more. If you need to leave, snuff the candle out (don't blow it out) and light again when you return, with another incense cone if you wish. Don't leave a candle burning unattended and keep away from children and pets.
Fire Element Spell
Supplies Needed:
Orange Candle
Candle holder
Incense & burner
Fire Element Oil
Small piece of parchment paper
Citrine Crystal
Best times and direction to perform Fire Magick: Noontime, in the South when possible.
Write your intention on the parchment paper and place wherever you will be doing the spell. Next, place glass candle holder on top of the parchment. With the candle in hand, close your eyes and visualize your desired outcome. When ready, rub Fire Element Oil on the candle (just a small amount) from the top to the bottom and put it in the glass candle holder. Light your candle and then light an incense cone with candle flame. Wait a few seconds and blow out the incense cone and place it on the glass incense burner. Carry the Citrine crystal in your pocket for the next 3 days or more. If you need to leave, snuff the candle out (don't blow it out) and light again when you return, with another incense cone if you wish. Don't leave a candle burning unattended and keep away from children and pets.
Water Element Spell
Supplies Needed:
Blue Candle
Candle holder
Incense & burner
Water Element Oil
Small piece of parchment paper
Amazonite Crystal
Best times and direction to perform Water Magick: Dusk, in the West when possible.
Write your intention on the parchment paper and place wherever you will be doing the spell. Next, place glass candle holder on top of the parchment. With the candle in hand, close your eyes and visualize your desired outcome. When ready, rub Water Element Oil on the candle (just a small amount) from the top to the bottom and put it in the glass candle holder. Light your candle and then light an incense cone with candle flame. Wait a few seconds and blow out the incense cone and place it on the glass incense burner. Carry the Amazonite crystal in your pocket for the next 3 days or more. If you need to leave, snuff the candle out (don't blow it out) and light again when you return, with another incense cone if you wish. Don't leave a candle burning unattended and keep away from children and pets.
Feel free to reach us at www.fantasiacrystals.com
3510 e. Bell Rd Set 9, Phoenix, Az 85032 - 602-265-4065
Copyright © Fantasia Crystals LLC, 2018. All rights reserved. This written content, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission.