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Magickal Herb Profiles
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There are many amazing ways to work with herbs, but always remember not all herbs are safe to burn or ingest. Some methods that may be useful are: scattering, adding to incenses, mojo bags, burning, consuming, hanging in home, care, office, etc, on your altar as an offering, sacred bathes and showers, on ritual ground, around magick candles, charging amulets, talismans and other magickal tools, for creating protective boundaries and so much more. Find a way that is creative and meaningful to you!

Herb Profiles:

Adam and Eve Root- each partner carries one to stay connected and to keep faithful or carry both to attract a lover

Agrimony- Banishing of unnatural fear, and reversing magick from others

Alfalfa- Prosperity for the home, protection of animals

Alkanet-Transmutes negative energy to positive

Allspice- Money draw, gambling luck

Amber resin- Matters of love, marriage, love, happiness

Angelica- Angelic Protection, exorcism, barrier of protection 

Anise (Star)- Channeling, psychic work, divination

Arnica- Increases psychic abilities and intuition, healing, love

Balm of Gilead- Manifesting, prayer work, ritual energy

Basil- Protection, prosperity, forward momentum

Bat's Head Root- Wish magick, general change of luck

Bayberry- Money, finance, 

Bay Leaf- Wishes, luck, good fortune, dreams

Benzoin- Brings in positive and gentle energy, sharpens mind, cleansing

Black Cohosh- Longevitiyy, love, personal power

Blessed Thistle- Countering magick sent from others, purification

Bloodroot- Breaks any unwanted cords, ties or connections

Boneset- Wards of ill-natured entities , spiritual protection of home

Brimstone (sulfur)- Destroys hexes and curses, wards off unwanted energy (do not burn!!!)

Calendula- Psychic or divinatory work, dreams, healing, legal matters

Camphor- Opening portals, inviting good spirits, banishing bad spirits

Cannabis- Visions, dreams, astral travel/projection, healing

Caraway- Memory, love, dream recall

Cardamom- Fidelity, love, beauty

Catnip- Joy, dreams, offering for feline deities

Cat's Claw- Shamanic work, visions, trance, meditation

Cedar- Cleansing, confidence, attracting wealth

Chamomile- Seeing the unseen, visions, peace, divinatory work

Chaparral- Protection, banishing, ancestors

Chia- Helps halt gossip and back stabbing

Chicory- Road opener, helps create positive outlook

Chili Pepper- Banishing, protection, movement, operation

Cinnamon- Success, lust

Cinquefoil- Amazing all purpose herb!

Clove- Protection, gossip stopper

Clover- Luck, prosperity, manifesting

Coffee- Dispels nightmares when placed under bed

Colstfoot- Tranquility, love, cash flow

Comfrey- Safe travel, stability, home, business and real estate matters

Copal- Purification, ancestors, healing

Cornflowers- Divination, scrying, trance, new ideas, dispel strife

Cypress- Matters of death, dying endings and new beginnings, grief

Damiana- Love, lust, aphrodisiac

Dandelion- Wishes, luck, invocation of spirits

Deer's Tongue- Helps with clear communication within a group

Devil's Claw- Trapping ill intent- (evil, curses, hexes)

Devil's Shoestring- Tripping evil or unwanted energy, protection, seeking employment

Dill- Luck, prosperity, abundance, matters of jealousy

Dragon's Blood- Fierce cleansing, banishing of unwanted spirits, movement

Echinacea- Healing, potency for spells

Elder- Protection, visions, healing, intuition, flowers for blessing a new home

Elacampane- Banishing malicious spirits, ghosts, poltergeists, etc

Eucalyptus- Inviting beneficial spirits, opening portals, healing

Fennel- Meditation, self-love and acceptance

Feverfew- Mental healing, spirit communication

Frankincense- Purification, honoring solar deities, consecration

Galangal (low john, little john)- Legal and court matters, wrap around money for money draw 

Garlic- Banishing, protection

Ginger- Promotes new journeys in life, excitement, and success

Ginko- Fertility, potent masculine energy, creativity

Goat Head Thorns- Potent protection, banish, cursing

Goldenseal- Healing, business maters

Gravel Root- Matters of employment, career changes, strength for obstacles

Gum Mastic- Protection, working with the dead

Hawthorn- Fertitliy, fishing magick, to bless handfastings and marriages, chastity, fairy work

Heather- Weather magick, protection

Helichrysum- Intuition, opens heart center, love, romance

Hibiscus- Love, divination

High John- Amazing all purpose- love, luck, money, confidence, etc

Holy Basil (Tulsi)- Balancing mind, body and soul, consecration

Hops- Dreams, visions, feminine energy

Hyssop- Potent cleanser, attracts positive energies and protects the home and family

Irish Moss- Use in home to bring in money, carry for luck, gambling 

Jasmine- Love, lust, divine feminine energy

Jezebel Root- Bringing in clients, attracting business

Job's Tears- Employment matters, carry seven seeds for seven days to increase luck

Juniper- Purification,  home protection

Kava- Peace, communication, aphrodisiac, astral work

Lavender- Tranquility, peace, purification

Lemon- Lunar work, cleansing

Lemon Balm- Dreams, peace, attracting a mate

Lemon Verbena- Attraction, glamour magick, purification

Lemongrass- Banishing of entity attachments and unwanted programming

Licorice- Soul mate attraction, love, 

Lime- New growth, inner strength

Linden- Releasing unwanted energy and attachments, peace, tranquility 

Mandrake- Protection, fertility, spell strengthener

Marjoram- Grief, melancholy, bringing in joy

Marshmallow- Offering for handfastings and marriages, love, fertility 

Mesquite- Strengthening connection of family members, , lessens judgment

Mistletoe- Protection from baneful magick, creativity, fertility

Motherwort- Grounding, nurturing, healing

Mugwort- Visions, opening portals, cleansing negativity, dreams

Mullein- Offering at crossroads, nightmare preventative

Mushroom- Healing, trance, visions, dreams

Mustard- Courage, protection for change, stamina

Myrrh- Offering for lunar work & water deities, enhancing spiritual connection

Myrtle- Fertility, love, youthful energy

Neem- Removal of spiritual pets and parasitic energies

Nettle- Creating fierce protective boundaries, protection, binding magick

Nutmeg- Helps with irrational fear, divination, psychic work, calms anger

Oak- Strength, success, potency

Onion- Banishing, working through addiction

Orange- Prosperity, abundance, success

Oregano- Justice, court cases, healing

Orris- Shadow Work, offering during dark of the moon or death deities

Osha- healing,  strengthens auric field, blocks negative energy

Parsley- Working with the dead (ancestors, necromancy, etc)

Passionflower- Love, lust, new growth, house blessing

Patchouli- Prosperity, love, lust, aphrodisiac

Pennyroyal- Cleansing, harmony

Peppercorn- Protection, grounding, banishing

Peppermint, Prosperity, bringing in good spirits, raising energy

Pine- Protection, prosperity

Plantain- Increases compassion, relationship harmony

Poppy- Happiness, pleasure, any out of body work

Raspberry- Beauty, love, sleep

Rose- Connection to divine, ancestors, love, romance, longevity

Rosemary- Purification, movement

Rue- Curse and hex breaker, counter to the evil eye

Saffron- Divine communication, offering to help the sick pass quickly

Sage- Cleansing, prayer and intention work

Sarsaparilla- Health, spiritual well-being, garden magick

Sassafras- Wealth, success, good fortune

Skullcap- Air for strengthening the mind, spiritual healing

Slippery Elm- Clear communication, gossip stopper, healing

Solomon's Seal- Strengthening any ritual, calling in angels or demons

Spearmint- Sweetening up a tense situation, joy

Spikenard- Connection to spiritual sources, 

St. John's Wort- Prophecy, romance, protection from baneful magick

Strawberry- Fortune, fun, joy

Tea- Courage, long term success

Thyme- Potent cleanser, banishing of parasitic energies and entities

Tonka Bean- Wishes

Tumeric- Helps face challenges and hardships

Usnea- Often called Old Man's Beard, use to charge amulets, talismans and other magickal tools

Uva Ursi- Channeling, gaining insight from spiritual beings

Valerian- Attracting a familiar, cat magick, protection from spiritual 'pests'

Vanilla- Love, peace, romance, aphrodisiac

Vervain- Potency for other herbs and crystals

Willow- Use for lunar working and lunar deities

Witch Hazel- Use to charge pendulum or dowsing rods, helps find anything hidden

Woodruff- Softening of tense situations, helps bring in gratitude

Wormwood- Ancestors, shadow work, trance, astral work, spirit communication

Yarrow- Courage, strength

Yellow Dock- For any type of business matters, carry in a bag with a coin for prosperity

Yerba Santa- Psychic work, creating boundaries

Yohimbe- Love, lust, aphrodisiac, masculine energy

Yucca- Spiritual transformation, connecting to ancestral roots, spiritual protection of home


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